Dáil debates

Tuesday, 15 February 2005

3:00 pm

Photo of Martin CullenMartin Cullen (Waterford, Fianna Fail)

I am saying no such thing until I go to Government early in March to address the Cabinet sub-committee. I will bring proposals to Government which will be considered and, subsequently, made public.

The ten-year envelope changes the way we can deliver all infrastructure. One can provide for a great deal of parallel development. Where necessary, one can go straight to the planning, tender, design or construction stage. One can set a number of projects in train at the same time though they will be completed at different times. Having to wait until one project is completed before starting the next has prevented us from providing the level of infrastructure required. The new procedures change the basis on which we can move forward in public and road transport provision with a mixture of investment from the State and private sector.


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