Dáil debates

Tuesday, 8 February 2005

3:00 pm

Photo of Bertie AhernBertie Ahern (Dublin Central, Fianna Fail)

The issue of heroin and other drugs and opiates from Afghanistan did not arise at the European Council. However, it is an enormously important issue. As Deputy Kenny and other Members are aware, the crops have flourished. The Taliban were extremely dangerous and corrupt people in every way but they were opposed to drugs. The warlords have had a field day since the demise of the Taliban regime and we have seen an increase in drugs production. This increased availability has had the knock-on effect that prices have gone down. This is a real problem.

There has been much progress in Afghanistan but it is limited to certain sectors and areas and does not cover vast amounts of the countryside. Although I am no expert on this issue, it seems from discussions I have had and everything I have heard and read that the only way to put a stop to this is to introduce compensation to farmers. As long as farmers have no other means of income, they will operate this system. They do not receive significant amounts of money for their produce, however. It is the middle men and the criminal elements who are profiting.

I attended a meeting during the Irish Presidency at which the President of Afghanistan, Mr. Hamid Karzai, made an excellent contribution. It is his hope that the rule of law and justice will be established in the countryside. I understand that position is not close to being reached and, while President Karzai is a brave and good man, this objective will be difficult to achieve. The production of drugs out of Afghanistan will continue to be a significant problem across Europe and the world.

Deputy Kenny is correct that human and civil rights abuses continue apace in Myanmar. During the Presidency, we said we would take out diplomatic relations in an attempt to help the situation. As it happened, it never got to that because the situation has deteriorated since then. The view of the authorities there is that everybody should mind their own business and that they will handle their own affairs. They have not engaged with the international community and this continues to be a major problem. I understand the authorities are not making any progress on diplomatic relations with any other state.


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