Dáil debates

Tuesday, 8 February 2005

4:00 pm

Photo of Pat GallagherPat Gallagher (Donegal South West, Fianna Fail)

The Deputy will recall that a few years ago the National Salmon Commission was established to advise the Minister. The commission includes representatives of all the stakeholders, including those involved in angling tourism, drift net, draft net or snap fishing. As far as salmon fishing is concerned, we have a duty to conserve, protect and exploit this fishery in a sustainable manner. This is the balance we are trying to find. The salmon commission recommended over a number of years that there would be a step down reduction in the landings, TACs and quotas of salmon, which would benefit the angling and tourism sectors.

In the coming weeks, the salmon commission will advise me on the scientific recommendations, and the management will feed into that, taking into account the socio-economic factors. The Deputy will recall that last year the quota for commercial fishing was in the region of 163,000. Within the licensing period, approximately 142,000 were landed, therefore there was a reduction in this area. In regard to the question of a buy-out, I made it abundantly clear after discussions with the Minister that there would be no buy-out during the lifetime of the Government. It would be a transfer of a national asset from one sector to the other. I am prepared to listen to those who are recommending a buy-out. I am also anxious to know who would be prepared to put forward the €70 million to €100 million that might be required. That type of money could be better invested in research and development, and we have a state-of-the-art research facility in Mayo. My mind is not closed on this matter.


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