Dáil debates

Thursday, 27 January 2005


Animal Transport Regulations.

3:00 pm

Photo of Mary CoughlanMary Coughlan (Donegal South West, Fianna Fail)

The EU regulation to which the Deputy refers is Council Regulation (EC) No. 1 of 2005. Most of the requirements of the regulation will not come into effect until 5 January 2007. A small number of other provisions will have effect from 1 January 2008 and 1 January 2009. The regulation is designed to improve the welfare of animals being transported within member states and throughout the European Union. It follows intensive negotiations at official and political levels over the past 18 months.

The main provisions of the regulation do not apply to transport by farmers using their own vehicles of their own animals for distances up to 50 km. Several other provisions do not apply to persons transporting animals for distances up to 65 km. More detailed requirements relating to certificates of competence for drivers and attendants, as well as certificates of approval of vehicles, apply only to transport for more than eight hours and not, as suggested by the Deputy, to journeys above 65 km. The Department of Agriculture and Food is considering the arrangements and requirements for the operation of the new regime for the transport of animals at home and to our European markets from 2007 onwards. I intend to consult all relevant parties on the most effective way to implement the regulation.

The final Council agreement did not cover more controversial issues, such as stocking densities and travel times. The Council will review such issues within four years of entry into force of the regulation. In recent years, the Department of Agriculture and Food has actively promoted the welfare of animals at all levels, including at farm and transport levels. I welcome the broad thrust of the Council regulation. I do not expect that it will impose significant burdens on the industry. It will significantly improve the welfare of animals during transport. It demonstrates the commitment to animal welfare of Ireland and the European Union.


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