Dáil debates
Thursday, 13 May 2004
Industrial Development.
4:00 pm
Ivor Callely (Dublin North Central, Fianna Fail)
Galen is continuing with the planning process through the High Court, and further discussions with IDA Ireland and the company will take place on the outcome of the High Court decision. IDA Ireland has maintained close contact with Galen management. In the past few years, conditions in the global economy have been difficult, and Irish firms have had to win business against a backdrop of declining external demand, pricing pressures and an increasingly competitive international environment. However, the labour market is strong and unemployment has remained low at 4.7% by European standards. An improvement in the global economy now seems likely. Since our economy is so open to world trade flows, we are likely to benefit more from accelerating global growth than from indications that more positions have been advertised in the media.
IDA Ireland is currently developing a new business and technology park adjacent to the south Drogheda intersection. In addition, it has received planning permission for three office blocks on the new park. The agency is also actively marketing several units provided by private developers at Dunore, Newgrange and other business parks. In Dundalk, IDA Ireland has engaged consultants to prepare a plan in conjunction with other State and private partners for its considerable land holdings to the south-west of the town. It is hoped that it will become a significant campus for new investment, once again capitalising on Dundalk's status as a gateway under the national spatial strategy, with which my good friend and colleague, the Minister, Deputy Dermot Ahern, has been closely associated.
IDA Ireland has received planning permission for five buildings in total at Finnabair Business Park. The agency is also marketing units at the Science Services Centre at Finnabair and at Blackthorn Business Park. Enterprise Ireland's activity is focused on the creation of new jobs through supporting entrepreneurs with high potential start-up companies, the creation and retention of new jobs in existing companies and enhancing the innovation capability of Ireland at national and regional level through support and research in companies and third level institutions.
In September 2003, the Tánaiste announced that Ardee Community Development Company Limited had been approved a capital grant of €250,000 towards phase 2 of its enterprise centre under the Enterprise Ireland community enterprise centre programme 2002, with which I understand Deputy Kirk has been closely associated. Work on the extension of the existing centre is expected to commence shortly. Enterprise Ireland supports the third level college in the region to foster links with industry, thereby encouraging it to increase its use of technology.
Under the Government's major decentralisation programme announced in the budget, 300 jobs are to be relocated to County Louth. That move demonstrates the Government's commitment to balanced regional development and will provide a further boost to enterprise development in the County Louth area. I assure Deputy Morgan that the State development agencies under the aegis of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment in co-operation with local interests and public representatives will continue actively to promote Ardee town and County Louth for investment and job creation. I hope that I have been of help.
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