Dáil debates

Tuesday, 4 May 2004

Ministerial Rota for Parliamentary Questions: Motion.


5:00 pm

Photo of Mary HanafinMary Hanafin (Dún Laoghaire, Fianna Fail)

I move:

That, notwithstanding anything in Standing Orders or in the Resolution of the Dáil of 6 June, 2002, setting out the rota in which questions to members of the Government are to be asked, or in the Resolution of the Dáil of 27 April, 2004, questions for oral answer, following those next set down to the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, trade and Employment, shall be set down to Ministers in the following temporary sequence:

Minister for Education and Science

Minister for Foreign Affairs

whereupon the sequence established by the Resolution of 6 June, 2002, shall continue with questions to the Minister for Agriculture and Food.


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