Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government

Analysis of Private Rental Sector Discrepancies: Discussion (Resumed)

3:00 pm

Ms Rosemary Steen:

It is a question we very much wish to understand. In situations that have been brought to our attention, either through a good citizen report or through the various agencies with which we are engaging in terms of data sharing, it is about having a mechanism to knock on a door. We have been discussing this quite a bit in the office. I am keen to potentially undertake a form of pilot study in Dublin to understand how we can visit to confirm data. It is a complex area and we are not currently resourced to do that. We would need support from various stakeholders to bring that forward. As part of these investigations, situations arise in which we would really like to understand more. It may be the case that everything is fine, but, occasionally, we want to have the opportunity to investigate. Ms Emer Morrissey might reference this more. This was at the core of the conversation we had around the partnership or arrangements we were putting in place with the Revenue Commissioners.


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