Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government

Analysis of Private Rental Sector Discrepancies: Discussion (Resumed)

3:00 pm

Ms Rosemary Steen:

We do have the overall figures regarding landlords leaving the market. As we reported previously, there were 230,006 landlords registered with the RTB in quarter 1 of 2024. This was an increase of 7.9% on the 213,777 registered in quarter 2 of 2023, when the data set that the CSO examined began. Therefore, we are not seeing a high level of exits at a macro level as a result of the investigation work under way, but I would like to take the time with colleagues to look into this in more detail if we have the data.


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