Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government

Analysis of Private Rental Sector Discrepancies: Discussion (Resumed)

3:00 pm

Ms Rosemary Steen:

As we mentioned, Ms Morrissey and the team have embarked on this new campaign. We actually have two campaigns running at the moment. One is related to RPZs, which is a matter we might discuss with the committee on another day, and the other is compliance in terms of registrations. That does point very much to communications and making sure we have a much more active voice in making it clear that people must be registered. We are hoping that taking that regionally into the counties the CSO has very helpfully identified will drive registrations. That will give us very important data. In terms of the resourcing, we might need to follow up on a county-by-county basis. It will also perhaps inform further work the CSO may want to look at in terms of the next census. We are happy to share the results of that with both the committee and the CSO. There are obviously some unique arrangements in place, which may be to do with family members in rural Ireland, that we need to understand as part of the housing demographic. It is important also to note that from the figures we saw from the CSO, Dublin was largely compliant in that sector. That is important to be aware of as well.


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