Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Tuesday, 15 October 2024
Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government
Analysis of Private Rental Sector Discrepancies: Discussion (Resumed)
3:00 pm
Ms Rosemary Steen:
We have to confirm that we have it, in terms of whether we were collecting it at the time. The Deputy's point that we should possibly collect that going forward is well made, however. We just need to confirm if it was collected at the time from that bunch of cases referred to. Certainly, however, that is something we do need to consider going forward.
We are also considering the issue of how we potentially deal with people who have not registered. If somebody who is in a dispute comes to us and registers during that process, we have the ability to potentially increase the registration fee at that point. We have not done so yet, but it is one of the measures we are considering with regard to ensuring there is an incentive for landlords to register before they need us and that this is clearly done at an early stage in the relationship with the RTB. I will definitely take away that query and we will look into it. We might write back to the Deputy separately about those-----
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