Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Tuesday, 15 October 2024
Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence
Report of the Commission on the Defence Forces: Engagement with Chair of Implementation Oversight Group
3:10 pm
Ms Julie Sinnamon:
On the Senator’s question on gender training and its effectiveness, as part of our external oversight of HR cultural change we engaged with the professor from UCC who was delivering the training, Professor Louise Crowley, who is highly regarded in this sphere. We had good engagement with her. Time will tell what progress has been made. We have picked up feedback that the initiative will not be the full solution regarding everything that needs to be done, but as part of the EOB oversight there will be questions asked about whether it has made a difference and, if so, the difference it has made. This will also feed through the cultural surveys and so on.
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