Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence

Report of the Commission on the Defence Forces: Engagement with Chair of Implementation Oversight Group

3:10 pm

Ms Julie Sinnamon:

The programme is to run until 2028. A number of actions that should have been completed this year will not be completed. In some cases, it has taken longer to get to here. I mentioned culture surveys. A culture survey will not be completed this year, but it does not make sense to rush it when there is other work that would feed into it being done at the beginning of next year and being better positioned relative to what is happening. In some instances , tendering and decisions to get to here have taken longer than we might have wanted, while in others, there may have been excessive optimism as to whether something could be done quickly. Some of the cultural changes will take longer and that is the reality. It is better that they take longer but be done right. There is real engagement between the external oversight body. Deloitte is working with the Defence Forces on the transformation agenda and significant engagement is feeding into that to try to make sure it is real, is happening and will have a lasting impact.


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