Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills

Education Needs of Visually Impaired Students: Discussion

11:00 am

Mr. Neville Kenny:

Regarding my own specific area of responsibility around senior cycle redevelopment, I have very close working relationships with the SEC. To be fair to the SEC, it has committed to doing and has delivered a number of things since the senior cycle redevelopment programme was announced. For example, in respect of the senior cycle levels 1 and 2 learning programmes, the SEC will be certifying those programmes for the students who come through on those programmes. That is a significant development in itself. It also provided this year, for the first time, integrated reporting of results for students who were taking the leaving certificate applied programme but who had access to leaving certificate established maths or modern foreign languages. That is helping students transition forward. Much work is being delivered by the SEC in relation to how it responds and reflects, or best reflects, the needs of individual students.


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