Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills

Education Needs of Visually Impaired Students: Discussion

11:00 am

Ms Eithne Walsh:

It is such a huge issue. There does not seem to be a system in place. The Deputy said “technology fails” but often it is that technology is not failing but that nobody in school knows how to use it. I have found that the Department will say it will spend a certain amount on training, the school gets a digital budget and it is up to it how to spend it. A new visually-impaired child comes into the school and the teacher might go off on a training programme. That could be three or four hours. Anyone who has ever had someone show her every single thing that their mobile phone can do and afterwards find themselves thinking, “Oh my God, I am so stupid, I can’t use my mobile phone”-----


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