Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action

Update on the Public Sector Climate Action Mandate: Discussion

11:00 am

Mr. David O'Brien:

We are looking at those issues. We spoke about that circular piece in terms of the challenges that it presents in construction projects in particular. The theory is good but it is more challenging when it comes to finding materials that are suitable. Somebody has to stand over and certify their structural integrity or fire resistance. That is where we will find the biggest challenge. The theory is one thing but the practice is a lot more difficult.

Senator Higgins is absolutely right with regard to the legislative landscape changing at an enormously rapid pace. It is extremely challenging to try to keep up with the technical implications and the characteristics that push through into construction projects, in particular. When they are brought in, they typically come in through the building regulations and there are transitional arrangements whereby you can opt in if it is sensible to do so. If it has a huge knock-on impact in terms of design specifications and delays, we have to make a call - to decide that we cannot do it this time round and to say we will do what we can to improve that. Generally speaking, the vast majority of public bodies try to go beyond the bare minimum, particularly with regard to current energy performance.


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