Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 3 October 2024

Public Accounts Committee

Financial Statements 2022: University of Limerick
Special Report No. 117 of the Comptroller Auditor General: University of Limerick Property Acquisitions in Limerick City

9:30 am

Professor Brigid Laffan:

These things are matters of judgment and matters of the stability of a very large and very important Irish institution with a very large budget. I think the Deputy would agree that it is important that we return this institution to stability and allow it to face its future - a future in which it can flourish. I fully accept what the Deputy has said, but this is a matter of judgment and a matter of what is in the best interests of the university at a point in time. There are no ideal outcomes for any institution when it finds itself in the trouble in which University of Limerick found itself.


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