Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Thursday, 3 October 2024
Public Accounts Committee
Financial Statements 2022: University of Limerick
Special Report No. 117 of the Comptroller Auditor General: University of Limerick Property Acquisitions in Limerick City
9:30 am
Dr. Alan Wall:
I understand the question, but if I can, I will take time to answer it. As the Deputy is aware, what we have done is we commissioned the section 64 report. We have been back and forth with the university over the past six months on that. We have made two site visits. We commissioned the flanking reports on the capital, the culture, and the protected disclosures. We are carrying out reviews ourselves on the valuations. All of those will come to a point in the next week or two, after which I will make a determination under the Act. I cannot determine what I am going to decide because I am told I cannot do that, but it is likely that some sort of plan will be drawn up. We will get that independently verified for the first time.
I will just go back if I might, because what the Deputy said to me the last time landed very heavily-----
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