Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 3 October 2024

Committee on Drugs Use

A Health-Led Approach: Discussion (Resumed)

9:30 am

Photo of Thomas GouldThomas Gould (Cork North Central, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

The story was covered in "The Two Norries Podcast". Her partner, James Leonard, was also in prison and in addiction. Ms Butler's story is probably one of the most powerful stories I have heard because I come from the same area as her. I am the first person from Knocknaheeny to be elected to the Dáil. However, my experience growing up was completely different from Ms. Butlers because of my mother, God rest her soul, and my father. I had a strong family unit, but we lived yards from where she came from. The difference between her life and my life was because I had a stable family unit, I was involved in St. Vincent's GAA and I had friends around me. I was not very good at school. I was a bit of a messer but I had those supports to keep me. When I look at Davina's story and Ms Butler's story, I think what if there had been early intervention?

I will turn to the point Dr. Cullen made about GPs. I had a nephew who died at 21 after taking his first dose of methadone. He was prescribed a minimal amount. His name was Eric Gould, a beautiful young man. He had got on to drugs through prescription medication, including sleeping tablets and painkillers. He had never taken a drug until he was 18 and he was dead at 21. If his GP had been asked a simple question, whether Eric was suitable for methadone, the answer would have been, "No", because he had a history of a heart issue. People should not take methadone if they have a heart problem. It goes back to the points made earlier, including by Dr. Healy, about stigma. If people are in addiction, they are considered to be scumbags or not to have families. Eric had been with the same doctors who had a full medical history. All that was needed was for someone to link in with his GP. Will Dr. Cullen and Dr. Healy comment on the importance of treating people in addiction like human beings with lives and families? Some people might not have anyone, but many people have people who support them.


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