Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 3 October 2024

Committee on Drugs Use

A Health-Led Approach: Discussion (Resumed)

9:30 am

Mr. Eddie Mullins:

One of the strong arguments for legalisation is that the level of drug-led intimidation in communities is off the scale. It is almost unknown because people are living in such fear about going to State services or reporting the level of intimidation they are going through. The difficulty I have, and I am very conflicted on the whole issue of legalisation, is that I also believe we should be focusing much more on supports and recovery for people than going down the route of legalisation. We talked about alcohol but it is by no means a good example of legalising something for the better because alcohol is still our biggest problem. Addiction to alcohol is far higher than it is to any other substance.


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