Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 3 October 2024

Committee on Drugs Use

A Health-Led Approach: Discussion (Resumed)

9:30 am

Dr. Richard Healy:

It is an interesting question. I am kind of repeating what my colleagues have said. A lot of the work and research I am involved in concerns problematic drug use and helping people to have a better quality of life within the harm reduction system we ostensibly have in Ireland. Decriminalisation is potentially a step away from the problem caused by the fact the harm reduction model is co-existing alongside strict prohibition. That does not work. We cannot have a needle exchange in Merchant's Quay and then someone walks outside and is immediately searched by a police officer. We need to look at what is being done in other countries to remedy this problem. I have lived as a drug service user in three different countries and believe we should learn from what has been done in other countries.


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