Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

Update on Construction of New National Children's Hospital: National Paediatric Hospital Development Board

9:30 am

Mr. Phelim Devine:

When we modified the contract for the purpose of the children's hospital project, it was modified to allow for two-stage procurement. Fundamentally, nearly all of the clauses that are in our bespoke contract for the children's hospital are pretty much aligned and identical to the standard form of PWC. The main difference is because we went through a two-stage process to arrive at a guaranteed maximum price we effectively have a lump sum contract with categories of change. Certain changes are allowed, such as the employer change we talked about. In the standard public works form, it is a remeasurement contract. It does not have that-----


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