Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Tuesday, 9 July 2024
Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action
Circular Economy as it relates to the Waste Sector: Discussion.
11:00 am
Mr. Kevin Swift:
Just to comment briefly on climate action, our national plan, which was just made in March and which I mentioned earlier, is where circularity meets climate. We have made a commitment to produce annual work plans as a result of that. We have also made a commitment to determine the impact of our plan on the circularity rate for Ireland but also on climate impact.
We are very conscious of the link between the actions in our plan and climate action. In the plan, we have a number of actions that enable us to look at alternative collection systems, for example, for household hazardous waste and household bulky waste in order to explore the circular potential of those outlets as well. A lot of that is built into our plan and that is accessible on mywaste.ie.
I will briefly mention growth because the previous Deputy asked how we arrest growth. We see the circular economy as a vehicle for arresting waste growth. We very much embrace circular principles in our plan in order to get at waste growth. Our overall ambition is 0% waste growth over the lifetime of the plan. We will not be able to do that without reducing general waste, increasing recycling, promoting reuse, embracing repair and doing all of the things the circular economy requires us to do.
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