Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action

Circular Economy as it relates to the Waste Sector: Discussion.

11:00 am

Mr. John McLaughlin:

I thank Deputy Kenny. One of the challenges sometimes is setting out the problem and understanding what problems we are trying to fix. The Deputy opened his contribution quite well when he expressed the view that we are not going to start getting trucks and yards. The question of what we can work on is important, where we see inefficiencies. I might get Mr. Scott and Mr. Swift to help me on this. There has been a lot of movement in the last ten years in terms of working together collaboratively. We have worked collectively with industry and the Government.

Mr. Swift talked about the one plan. It is the first time ever we have got one plan together. There has been great co-operation from the Department and the EPA. They are taking actions in that plan, which we are writing for them. We have been willing to say we will do that part if they do this, so we are working together. The other link then is to the waste collection industry and back to the householder. It is about how we join all that up. The goals and objectives are clear. It is now about how to do it.

I ask Mr. Scott to talk about working with the industry. The unwinding is a process. We could spend all day chatting, but I think that needs engagement and process. We would need groups to work their way to solutions.


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