Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action

Circular Economy as it relates to the Waste Sector: Discussion.

11:00 am

Photo of Alice-Mary HigginsAlice-Mary Higgins (Independent) | Oireachtas source

I will be brief, and I am happy to get something in writing. I am reviewing and looking at the IPA report and the idea that there is a legal issue. I am not convinced there is an intractable legal issue. We look at the idea of this as a service that could qualify for public delivery in terms of public procurement.

Lots of businesses in Ireland no longer exist. Fur farming was one of the last ones that went out of circulation. The witnesses might give their perspective on the legal obstacles and how, if there are any, they might be overcome on a path to full remunicipalisation. Obviously, nothing is instant, but what would such a path involve? How could those legal obstacles be overcome? It comes down to flexibility and being able to scale up response.


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