Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 9 May 2024

Public Accounts Committee

Financial Statements 2022: University of Limerick

9:00 am

Photo of Catherine MurphyCatherine Murphy (Kildare North, Social Democrats) | Oireachtas source

I thank the Cathaoirleach. Apologies, I could not be here earlier.

It is obvious that one cannot compartmentalise reputational damage. The reputational damage goes across the spectrum. I would have thought that would be something that the University of Limerick, in particular, would be conscious of given that this is not the first time that this kind of thing has happened.

In fact, it is quite infuriating. I am aware that there was a meeting in the university and there are people within the university who are very angry about the repeat of this problem.

The governing authority obviously was not given adequate information. It was to come back to them after there was due diligence. It did not come back to them and then the contract was signed. Am I correct that Professor Kilcommins was the one who signed the contract?


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