Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 1 May 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on European Union Affairs

UN Sustainable Development Goals: Discussion

10:00 am

Photo of Seán HaugheySeán Haughey (Dublin Bay North, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

That is fair enough. I am stepping down from the Dáil at the next election but the problems seem to be overwhelming both nationally and internationally. Perhaps a new generation will come and sort them all out.

Is the EU the best in the class with regard to the implementation of the sustainable development goals? For me, it seems to be a really good force for change and for good compared to what other countries are doing. Do we have reason to be optimistic or should we remain optimistic?

I guess we must be optimistic. How do the witnesses think the EU is doing, and how is Ireland doing? I do not think there was any reference to Ireland. I know this is the Committee on European Union Affairs, but how is Ireland doing with regard to the implementation of these goals?


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