Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport

Anti-Social Behaviour on Public Transport: Discussion

Ms Suzanne Armstrong:

Absolutely. I saw a guy walking down the bus one time. He put his hand around to his back when he was coming out the door and I was wondering what he was going to do, including if he was going to shoot me. He was one of the ones whose drugs had come flying off the seats. There are even situations like when you are coming to a bus stop and people are irate because you will not open the doors quickly enough or when people will press the stop button at traffic lights and jump out in front of traffic. It could be anything, and all this type of behaviour should be completely unacceptable. As I said, sometimes a garda will get on your bus and then there is no carry-on. There is none. Sometimes, gardaí will just flash the badge and get on, they travel for free, and then there is no carry-on. When people see them doing this, those bus journeys are fine. There is no deterrent, otherwise, however.


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