Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth

Protection of Children in the Use of Artificial Intelligence: Discussion (Resumed)

Mr. David Miles:

We detect more than 85% of all cyber tips. We have invested hugely in detecting such content. It is heavily automated, inevitably. There is some human moderation but we can do that at scale. Of that content, 99% is removed before a user even sees it. When it goes to the clearing house, it is categorised by severity and passed back to law enforcement, which acts on that severity scale. That is really important in the way we do it.

Hotlines play a key role. The public report these kinds of things to hotlines. The INHOPE network and IWF are important partners to us, as are organisations like the WeProtect Global Alliance, which are dedicated to tackling child sexual exploitation and abuse, which is probably one of the most heinous crimes.

Sadly, there is a large familial offline dimension to child sexual abuse that has to be tackled too. We have emphasised moving towards preventing this kind of content being shared because every image shared revictimises the victim, even if it does not lead to contact offending. We have invested heavily in safety alerts and pop-ups so that if somebody searches for a term in one of our apps, they are told the contact is illegal and signposted towards Stop it Now and a range of hotlines and helplines that can help them think about what they are doing and caution them. We need to deter them from sharing this kind of content that they might have shared out of poor humour or bad taste but which nevertheless revictimises the victim.

Law enforcement plays a key role. To give an indication of the numbers, in the two years from 2020 to 2022, we dismantled 27 abusive networks. In January 2023, we disabled 490,000 accounts for violating our child safety standards. It is at significant scale and that is why artificial intelligence is really important, as is the expertise we have in our team to try to take this content down and work closely with law enforcement. I hope that answers the question on NCMEC.


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