Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 10 April 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at Local Level: Discussion

Ms Delia Goodman:

I thank Deputy Tully for the acknowledgement of AIM. The programme has been successful. We have seen that from the three-year evaluation. The fact that it is a needs-led model as opposed to diagnosis-led has been really positive in terms of the inclusion of children, particularly children with disabilities, in the ECCE programme and into mainstream preschool, allowing them to be part of mainstream preschool.

Since the inception of the AIM programme in 2016, we have supported more than 30,000 children who have been in receipt of AIM support in more than 4,000 early learning and care settings. This year, we are supporting more than 8,000 children in more than 2,700 ECCE settings, which is really positive. We have a team of early years specialists working directly with the services to build the capacity of educators through a mentoring and coaching element and through educational advice and support in regard to how they can support a child's inclusion in and access to the preschool setting.

The model and the positive outcomes and findings of the evaluation identified the need for expansion of the programme. Expanding and upscaling AIM was also laid out in the First 5 whole-of-government strategy. That will happen in September 2024. The hours will increase into full-day care for those children who are in receipt of ECCE, both in term and out of term, allowing for more accessibility. That also gives families comfort as regards being able to engage in work. That will continue in terms of enabling children to access full-day care with the support of AIM. The evaluation also identified the respite and relief from stress that families get from that support.

I am happy to answer any further questions but that is a summary of what is happening. The evaluation also recognised, as regards the application process for AIM, that the second-year extension for those continuing means they have the comfort of support in the second year of ECCE without having to reapply. That process will change this year and will be simplified to enable providers to apply directly. Those children will be returning to ECCE and will require that support. We are, therefore, providing the comfort of having that support for the child in September.


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