Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

Health Services for People with Epidermolysis Bullosa: Discussion

Dr. Rosemarie Watson:

The Deputy is absolutely right. Sometimes, even the care providers, that is, the healthcare professionals, need support at times. This is where a psychologist comes in. Carers have a huge job. The burden of EB is enormous. They do not even get respite in sleep because there is pain in the night and itch. When the carers and parents come in to me, I can see the worry, stress and fear etched on their faces. We have seen how the introduction of 0.5 of a psychologist to the paediatric service has made an enormous difference.

Other international Debras have cited that one of the pivotal things you can do to improve quality of life in these patients and their families is to appoint a psychologist. We have one-----


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