Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 22 February 2024

Select Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government

Planning and Development Bill 2023: Committee Stage (Resumed)

Photo of Cian O'CallaghanCian O'Callaghan (Dublin Bay North, Social Democrats) | Oireachtas source

In the context of amendment No. 605, I am interested in balanced regional development and making sure we get the right housing types in the right locations. Could this impact national objectives in that area? To give an example, I refer to a situation where the housing growth targets are aligned with areas where we want to see development taking place and where we want to see housing being provided. They may, for example, be significantly exceeded in commuter belt counties, but are not exceeded in Dublin or the core areas where we want to see more compact growth. Could the amendment the Minister is proposing have an impact such that there would be an imbalance in the context of development, too much housing in farther away places from which commuting times are longer and, as a consequence, not enough in areas where there is more compact growth and shorter commuting times that are more sustainable?


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