Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

Joint Committee on the Irish Language, the Gaeltacht and the Irish Speaking Community

Úsáid agus Infheictheacht na Gaeilge ar na Meáin Chraolta: Plé

Mr. John Purcell:

Absolutely. The point is taken. In stations in some areas, the levels of the Irish language spoken would be comparatively low. In stations in places like Galway, they would be quite high. Our point is that the best way forward for the further development of the language in broadcasting would be to proceed in a collegiate and co-operative way, rather than increasing current quotas and putting in requirements. Rather than the independent broadcasters being rule-takers, with rules, regulations and quotas being handed down to us from above, we would prefer to engage with the broadcasting regulator, with committees such as this and with other interested groups and organisations. We would say that we are willing to develop our programming and ask how we can do it. Our experience, expertise and track record as broadcasters whose raison d'être is to develop audiences, engage and entertain them and get them involved in our output would be used to develop new ways of incorporating the language. That would be better than simply being told that our Irish-language requirement is being increased from 3% of our output to 4% of our output. That is the thrust of what we are trying to say.


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