Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 15 February 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement

Key Issues Affecting Youth: North South Youth Forum

Ms Sarah Whelan:

I stand before the esteemed members of the committee and fellow young advocates as a representative of the young people in our community. We are a resilient and passionate group but we often find ourselves overlooked when vital services are being rolled out. Our voices matter and it is time to amplify them.

Let me paint a picture of our reality. Our neighbouring community, Cox'’s Demesne, enjoys a community house and full-time youth services. Its transport options are well-timetabled, seamlessly connecting it to the resources it needs. What about us? Our area remains far away from essential amenities like shops, leaving us isolated and underserved. Our local football AstroTurf pitch, once a hub of activity, was recently sacrificed to make way for the new Smyths Toys distribution centre. While progress is essential, it should not come at the cost of our recreational spaces. We gather once a week in a crèche, grateful, but aware that it falls short of our aspirations.


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