Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 23 January 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government

Update on Affordable Homes, Public Lands, Strategic Planning and Projects: Land Development Agency

Mr. John Coleman:

We have had a lot of engagement. There are a number of impacts the LDA can make in the Cork docks. The first is on Horgan's Quay, which will be the first apartments to be delivered in Cork in many years. The second is on the significant State lands that are owned by the State bodies, the ESB and Bord na Móna, on the south docks, the old Marina Power Station and a Bord na Móna site behind it. They are slightly longer term as contamination and other things will have to be dealt with. Nonetheless, they are significant tranches of State land in the middle of the docks. The third point is Tivoli. I agree with the Deputy that Tivoli is a big opportunity. Significant infrastructural work is needed to open it up. There are existing Seveso sites on it including blast zones and other impediments that have to be considered, but the engagement with the Port of Cork is positive. We are making a lot of progress on understanding what it will take to open up at least elements of that site, to get it going in the nearer term. That will require a lot of infrastructural investment by the State, but it has to be done anyway. To sum up, there are nearer term opportunities for the LDA in the Cork dock area, but Tivoli is firmly on our radar and we are in good discussions with the port on it.


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