Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 23 January 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence

Ireland's SIDS Strategy, Impact of Climate Change and Update on Development Co-operation: Department of Foreign Affairs

Ms Caroline Phelan:

I thank the Deputy for his question. Relocation is one aspect, but building coastal resilience is a focus of our work with small island developing states. We have supported projects in the Pacific to build coastal resilience and protect communities, such as planting mangroves and other nature-based solutions. We have also been doing that in Africa with some of the regional organisations there. Our exchanges with small island developing states and Irish ocean experts are about learning and carrying out research on new responses. The Marine Institute is managing a programme which was launched in 2022 for small island developing states. Irish researchers and researchers in these states work together to come up with new solutions to respond to sea level rise and to focus on sustainable ocean development, which is a key sector for all aspects of these islands.


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