Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 23 January 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action

Large Energy Users Rebalancing Subvention: Discussion

Mr. Jim Gannon:

I think it is worth reflecting on the unwinding of the measure where, at a time of crisis, the energy security emergency group was set up. There was a national energy security framework within which each constituent party was looking at what was within their viresor ability to see how we could mitigate some of the challenges arising from the Russia-Ukraine crisis. If I could put it that way, the unwinding was a proposal brought by us to that group. In that spirit, at that time of crisis, everyone was looking at their own vires and abilities as to what decision one would make. There was still an ability to make decisions around this. As Ms MacEvilly has said, we are not walking away from this or what we have stood over in recent years, but in that context, it was at a table with others around it that the decision was made.


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