Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 17 January 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters

Planning for Inclusive Communities: Discussion (Resumed)

Mr. Brian Higgins:

Within some of the reform agenda work we are carrying forward within the HSE, such as the review of the personal assistants and some of the other pieces of work we are doing, including the autism service improvement programme, there is very direct involvement with the DPOs. We very directly engage. We acknowledge there are challenges in relation to that but there has been really good engagement and really good guidance from the DPOs and people with a disability on that work. In the reform agenda, when we are opening new committees, it is easier to get that engagement from the outset. We have been very fortunate to get incredible wisdom and knowledge from experts by experience in that regard. In existing programmes of work it is more difficult. We are putting more effort in and we need to continue that.


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