Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 13 December 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

Cardiovascular Health, Stroke and Heart Attack: Discussion

Ms Esther O'Shea:

There is no joined-up thinking. For many years, cardiovascular diseases were associated with being an ageing disease. It was seen as affecting people who were of a certain demographic. Within that demographic, there were already supports in place because people in that demographic are already in the system and already have a medical card. They already perhaps attend a geriatrician or are visiting a doctor because they have access; they have a medical card. However, cardiovascular disease is not biased. You can be any age. In our heart failure support group, we have people who are as young as 30. I was 34 years old. It affected the size of my family and my ability to follow my career; I do not work outside of the house any more. It affects your ability to travel, how you rear and how you support. Living with a chronic disease such as cardiovascular disease affects every aspect of one's life. As well as creating anxieties, social isolation, and depression, it creates a sense of "How do you cope?".


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