Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth

Access to CAMHS for Individuals with Dual Diagnosis: Discussion

Ms Ber Grogan:

The guidelines and operating procedures say the plans should be co-created and that it is best practice to have them do that. In preparing for today's meeting, Ms Moore Ryan and I looked at the Mental Health Commission's independent reports into CAMHS and into the nine individual CHOs. Part of the problem that was mentioned earlier was the postcode lottery. If you have a team that works really well and is co-creating with the young person, and listening to them and taking their views on board, as is the young person's legal human right, the outcomes will be better.

It is also their legal human rights. Then the outcomes will be better. It is, however, patchy across the services. There is not that standardised level of service across all of the CHOs. This is why we have consistently asked for the reinstatement of a national director of mental health, which is also in the programme for Government. We have also had some meetings directly with Mr. Bernard Gloster. We do not agree that there is not a need for a national director. We welcome the new youth mental health office but we believe that high level strategic accountability is needed.


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