Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth

Access to CAMHS for Individuals with Dual Diagnosis: Discussion

Dr. Gerry McCarney:

They are the only teams in the country where the clinical lead is a specialist child and adolescent psychiatrist who has a special interest in addiction. There are many services around the country, in every CHO area, that work with young people who are using substances but they are the only two operating at that level. They are considered a tier 3 service in the four-tier system. I will give a simple view of the four-tier system. If you have experience or expertise in either mental health or adolescent development and substance misuse, you are tier 1. Tier 2 is where you are working specifically with young people like that. I am sorry; tier 1 is where you are working with young people but do not have that experience, tier 2 is when you have experience in one of those areas and tier 3 is where you have experience in both. Those teams have experience in young people's mental health and adolescent development but also in substance misuse. Tier 4 refers to residential treatment. There is one place in Ireland for that.


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