Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Assisted Dying

Assisted Dying in New Zealand and Australia: Discussion

Dr. Sinead Donnelly:

In engaging with Dr. Good in requesting data to be collected, we gave a list of all the data that we thought was appropriate. We copied what is being collected in Canada and Oregon and submitted that list. We understood from Dr. Good that we did not get a final reply and based on that, we understood that was not being done. The reason we were interested, and the question Oregon asks is "why are you requesting euthanasia?". That is very important. If people are requesting euthanasia because the disability services or palliative care are inadequate, they live in a rural community, there is inequity of access or the absence of a GP, or if there is only a nurse practitioner in the area and they have not got palliative care, we need to know that if we are really interested in the welfare of the people in the country and the state of the healthcare system. I and the group of us that met Dr. Good cannot understand why that data would not be collected.

By the way, we are not the only ones who think data is not collected or has not been enough. Jessica Young is a researcher people would know well in New Zealand. She has advocated for euthanasia. She said in October that currently we do not have data about how these safeguards are operating. That is what she has said in respect of research in favour of euthanasia.


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