Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 23 November 2023

Public Accounts Committee

Appropriation Accounts 2022
Vote 45 - Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science
Financial Statements 2022: National Training Fund
Report on the Accounts of the Public Services 2022
Chapter 19: National Training Fund

9:30 am

Dr. Colm O'Reardon:

I will ask Mr. Moynes to give a little history. There was a funded university scheme that covered five institutions which the State effectively took over in 2009. The State took on whatever pension funds were there, but it also took on the responsibility for paying out the pensions through the higher education institutions. There is an ongoing process of estimating what the deficit is or what the requirements are. It depends on the number of people who retire in a given year. Year by year, the Department is trying to address an historic deficit in those pension funds.


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