Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Committee on Mental Health

Mental Health Care for Migrants and Ethnic Minorities: Discussion

Dr. Salome Mbugua:

I wanted to come in on our work on sexual and gender-based violence, because it is key. One area we are dealing with is the personal issues of the person. In that area, we have the domestic, sexual and gender-based violence agency which is going to start. As regards the legal aspect and support for people who come to us, especially on issues to which Ireland is not accustomed, such as early and forced marriages, I have seen our work linking up with, for example, the Department of Foreign Affairs, which people may not think about. It is very important when Departments co-ordinate and work with one another because it is helpful not only in collecting data but also in looking at gaps in how we can better provide services. It is paramount that the Departments work together to be able to meet the needs of the person. It cannot be emphasised enough. That is all happening but it is not co-ordinated.


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