Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Engagement with Chairperson of Enterprise Ireland

Mr. Michael Carey:

We have 850 staff, I believe, in the organisation. Like every organisation both in the public and private sectors, the challenge is attracting and retaining the best possible people. I understand that we are just short of 100 vacancies in the organisation currently. Like every organisation and business, it works on being the most attractive place to work. We want Enterprise Ireland to be a place of choice for the very best, capable leaders and potential employees across the structure, be it client-facing, back office, international markets or international offices across the 40 or so markets around the world in which we exist. I understand it is a challenge but like every organisation, it is important that we position ourselves as the best possible place to work and attract the best possible talent.


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