Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Engagement with Chairperson of Enterprise Ireland

Mr. Michael Carey:

The relationship between Enterprise Ireland and the LEOs is a very strong one. It is a very positive structure that works with the local authorities to support micro-enterprise in all regions. It is an important feeder of enterprise start-up businesses into the pipeline and a really important local issue across the country. The job impact has been significant. There was a 10% increase in jobs last year in the LEO clients. Working with the 31 LEOs across the country, Enterprise Ireland is very engaged in that process, with areas such as supporting their movement to digital and their efforts with the lean business offer. There is a major campaign running called All in a Day's Work which promotes the need for change for small businesses across Ireland, supported through the LEOs and with a huge focus by Enterprise Ireland. It could not be more important and it is an area on which Enterprise Ireland will continue to focus.


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