Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Low Pay Commission Recommendations on the National Minimum Wage: Discussion

Dr. Frank Walsh:

Yes, there have been several reports which are all on our website. One is by Karina Doorley and Paul Redmond and there was also an earlier report. This work tries to trace out the impact of the minimum wage not only on minimum wage workers, but on workers just above that. There is certainly evidence in Ireland and internationally that there are knock-on increases for workers a little above the minimum wage, and members can guess that themselves based on their experience. These are not huge increases but are substantial, notable increases. I do not want to give a figure from the top of my head as to exactly how high up the wage distribution they are but they have certainly been documented. It is certainly not all the way up to the median wage or anything like that.


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