Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Skills and Apprenticeship Landscape in Ireland: Institute of Physics

Ms Fiona Longmuir:

Our apprenticeship strand is actually a fairly new strand of work. We are starting to engage with that community now. We consulted with physics-based businesses as part of producing the "Solving Skills" report, and we hope that will have been the beginning of a conversation, not the end. The employers are vital in managing to scale up the apprenticeships.

I agree that TY is a brilliant opportunity to influence young people's choices. It is a great time for them to consider practical skills and to get practical experience in a way they may not have in the rest of their schooling. It is a great area to consider. The great thing about being at an early stage in a project like Generation Apprenticeship is that we have the potential to set it up well from the beginning. Thinking about where we are reaching young people and about the messages they are getting in the vital-choice stages is really important.

What was the Deputy's final question?


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