Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Challenges Facing the Fruit and Vegetable Industry: Discussion

Dr. Maria Snell:

In Ireland, we produce a high-quality product and need more education and awareness around that. We have Bord Bia, as well as various auditing processes our growers go through. They work to one of the highest standards in Europe. We need to put greater value on the quality assurance we have from Irish produce. We have a system and climate conducive to the growth of these. We want a product that pays fairly across the food chain. We have the capacity to do that if we all work together. We need to give business certainty to our primary producers. It is difficult for anybody in the sector to invest in the future of the business when there is so much uncertainty not only from uncontrollables such as climate, but also from short-term contracts. Season to season, we do not know where we are going. It is not possible to continue under those conditions because producers cannot look after their workforce and business and cannot reinvest.

There is no future unless you can give certainty to the business. That applies to any business, not just horticulture.


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