Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 5 October 2023

Public Accounts Committee

Health Service Executive: Financial Statements 2023

9:30 am

Ms Louise McGirr:

We are not the direct employer so we do not have access to that information. The pay scales and so on of individual employees are confidential information so we have not done that. There was a previous Workplace Relations Commission provision - I believe it was in 2018 - whereby section 39 agencies could apply for funding for additional pay to bring salaries back up post FEMPI. That was available to 300 to 350 organisations, not all of which applied. We had hoped the unions representing section 39 workers would put the offer to their members. They have not done that and have rejected it without putting it to their members. In other sectors, unions rejected the offer but members accepted it when it was put to them. We do not have visibility of members' direct response to that 5% offer.


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