Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence

Current Issues Facing Members of the Defence Forces: Representative Association of Commissioned Officers

Mr. Martin Ryan:

What compensates for the additional time worked, in particular if people are doing duties, are security duty allowances which are well documented and are not fit for purpose. If we take an eight-hour working day as being the recognised average working day, the extra 16 hours worked on that duty attract an allowance of €56 before tax, which works out to about €1.60 per hour. I have heard some committee members speak about this. That is the reality. That is what people are getting for going above and beyond their normal working day and week. That has severe impacts. The frequency of duty is once a week, twice a month or whatever it might be. There is a rest day afterwards, but that has an impact in terms of capability and training. People do not have soldiers or officers at their disposal to do normal working days. They are taken away from their place of employment. When we ask about where people are, this is what we mean.


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